I am a lover of anything classic Disney. Disney runs in my blood. So I say this with the upmost respect but I must speak about something of great importance. Snow White. For one thing, she manages, as the title character in the film, to be the very least interesting person in it. Her only proactive moment in the movie is when she decides to pretend she is the hired help. Otherwise she spends her time apologizing for making a fuss when she was kidnapped, almost murdered, and abandoned. When she's not doing that, she's accepting candy (apples, whatever) from strangers, taking long naps, and marrying the first guy who's willing to kiss what appears to be a corpse. And I'll bet her tall collar is constantly getting in the way of her peripheral vision. The real problem with Snow White, though, is her voice. Even when speaking her voice is unnaturally high and grating, and when she sings, her voice reaches octaves that shatter my eyeballs. To put it bluntly, Snow White is not a favorite of mine, but I still appreciate it for what it is as a Walt Disney Classic.
Have you seen Princess and the Frog? What's your take on it?
ah no i havent seen that one!
I simply adore Beauty and the Beast.
Belle has such character, she knows what she wants and doesn't want. She is willing to make sacrifices and even though she faces an uncertain future and unfulfilled dreams, she is willing to look for the best life has to offer. I watch this Disney classic every Christmas.
What an amazingly fresh take on Snow White. I didn't realize how anti I was about her until now. I will spread this word fervently whilst giving you credit. Oh, and start following your blog as well. Cheers
Just passing through! Peter Pan or The Jungle Book were my favorites
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